Tuesday, April 29, 2008

12x12 Class First Two Pages

These still need embelsihments added. I have just had a crazy headache forever..
Title is "10 things you may not know about me"

Monday, April 28, 2008

MIni Album

Mini album-- for Saturday at 10am
10 things I love right Now...
I was thinking I need to do a little self stuff...
Maybe you guys do too..

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Two Pages of Girls Class

so One 4x4 and two 3x3
two 4x6......
Questions:: what do you love about flowers??
Why do you think we have flowers?
Why do you think we have bugs?
What are you most greatful for in nature??

Saturday 10am my house..two hours..

Friday, April 18, 2008

Okay I figured it out

If you click on the the actual posts on the right
you can get them in order..
So click on insrtuctions #1
then #2
then #3
then #4..
and then it might make sense.....
Okay I am having issues with this today..
This post is backwards.
The last post is the first of your instructions and
the second post is the middle and so forth..
Hopefully you can figure it out..
My mind is to tired to redo it..

#4 of Instructions

*And last attach ribbon to left side of word bloom.

#3 of Instructions

*Cut two 5x5 pieces of coordianting CS. Glue to Last M page
and back side of O page.

*Using you crop-i-dile adn large eyelets. Put a hole
in the middle of all 3 flowers and set large eyelet.

*take two pieces of ribbon, tye a knot in one end, trim and
slide through eyelet.

*Attach flowers and extra ribbon with glue dots.
*Using your crop-i-dile atttach 3 large eyelets left side of
word bloom.

*To make flower embelishment, use photo thingies make
a bloom thing and attach.

#2 of Instructions

*Your last M will be longer than 12 inches, so you will have to
add a piece of cardstock make it work..

*When you lay them out they should look like this..

*Score 3/4 on the edge of all three letters

* Fold the scores up.

*Random stamp as you please.

MOM Word Bloom Tutorial #1 of Instructions

*Cut your letters with your cricut or hand made letters.
I set my cricut expression to cut 6inch letters and they
messured out to be 5 3/4.white daisey card stock.
*Cut 3 pieces of 5 3/4 x 12

*With your sponge and choice of color, sponge your letters
*Glue them to the outer edge of white daisey cardstock, allow
for a border when you cut out your letters.

*Cut your letters leaving a little border around all letter edges.

*T0 cut your first M, Measure about 1.5 inches from the bottom
left had corner of the M.
*Then I eye ball where to cut my O.

Monday, April 14, 2008

MOM Word Bloom

This is a sneak Peak at some paper from the New Summer Idea Book....

Monday, April 7, 2008

This is April's Club Night Layout.. Using Caprice..

Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Christmas Purse.. Made from retired Deck the Halls level One paper packet.
If you would like to make one we can do almost anything,